Friday, February 25, 2011

My Eat the Street Yelp review!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

diet dilemma

I have never been on a diet. And this is not because I'm so healthy and happy with my body and my weight. Rather it's more just I'mnot disciplined enough to "be on a diet." What I tend to mean when I say/think to myself "oh I'm on a diet" is that I'm either trying to eat healthier or eat less.  Sometimes I'll also include exercise into this new "diet."

The point of this is that now I've decided/resolved to go on a diet. Well no, that's not entirely true. I've resolved to loose weight. But I'm not entirely sure how. I mean, I know what a "diet" entails... no fried foods, more veggies, blah blah blah. I read diet books, and diet/fitness magazines and blogs. So in theory I know what I need to do. It's the actually doing part that tends to be my hurdle.

I think this is probably the people. I mean seriously, by this point we all know that we should avoid refined "simple" carbs (like white sugar, white bread, etc.) and eat more leafy greens and lean proteins.  But if it were that simple wouldn't losing weight be easier? I mean, I actually like healthy foods so what's the problem?

I spend bascially all day thinking about food. From getting up in the morning and having my breakfast (usually cereal) to grabbing the lunch I packed and then figuring out my dinner plans. I think about what I should make for the next day's lunch or how I can pre-cook some breakfast items so I don't have to always have the same thing in the totally dominates my day.  Does this make me a "foodie" or a fat-ass?

Maybe I should just pick up a diet book and eat whatever the hell it tells me to eat... but I hate the idea of not being in control of what I eat. Maybe I should make my own diet book? But that might backfire in a spectacular way.

Or maybe I should just take my ass to the gym more often (read: at all).

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to  my wonderful group of friends. I love you guys and here's why:
  • Melissa: you've been there for me through out all these years. We make a pretty good team when we take on the world together.
  • Marleen: you're the most sensible person I know and you've helped me get through a lot of stuff by keeping my head on my shoulders.
  • Cherie: you are my hetero life partner, my more evil other half, and the person who I can say anything to. I don't know where I would be without you to lean on.
  • miss Laura: you are the best. I always know that I can count on you to hear me out and help me see the other side. You always cheer me up when I'm feeling blah.
  • Michelle: you challenge me to think about things that I otherwise never would. and even though we often don't agree on things, we still respect one another and always have a great time together!
  • Whitney: my food soulmate! You keep it real and tell it like it is. I know I can count on you to tell me if I'm in the wrong, over-reacting, or being a bitch. (and we all know sometimes I need to hear it)
  • Kim: you're goofy and introduce me to new bands. Oh and you tought me how to make googe!
  • Doug: you're one of the best people I know. You never fail to see things in a way that suprises and enlightens me. You're like a brother to me; if fact you're closer to me than my real brother is.
  • Brandon: you keep my faith in men alive. You and marleen's love and faith in one another is something that i aspire to. I know you've got my back :-)
  • Justin: you put in a lot of effort to maintain our friendship. I appreciate the fact that you're willing to visit my world from time to time.
  • Ray: I'll always remember working those closing and weekend shifts at the library with you! fun times and a lot of really good conversations. your friendship reminds me to try to be more selfless and to give back.
  • Stephen: you always make me laugh with your crazy facial morphing expressions and your mocking girlish high-pitched singing of pop songs.
  • Keli'i & Jason: I miss you guys! You were both such integral memebers of our group...things haven't been the same since the two of you left!

To anyone I may have missed... I can only offer my sincerest apologies. Your friendship means a lot to me even if I can't put it into words. I hope everyone of you had a great day today!
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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

when i grow up...

I don't really think of myself as a grown-up yet. In fact, I often still think in terms of "when I grow up" except it's usually more phrased as "when I get my own place/move out"... But I suppose I do have a grown up job.

I don't know if you'd (or I'd) call it a career, but it's a full time office job. It's the daily grind, 9-5 (or in my case ), 40 hours a week.

I've had this job now for a little over two months, and just over a month of being truly full-time... and I'm already over it. Not the job (per se) but I'm over the "excitement" of having a grown up job. The novelty of early morning coffees and packing a cute little bento lunch has worn off.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy the routine-ness of it. In fact I usually appreciate having a routine. And it’s not that the work is terribly boring or my co-workers horrible or anything….

It’s nothing specific then, but more just the way my neck tenses up and I get all jumpy and insecure whenever I’ve faced with a new task at work. For instance I don't have my own phone line at work, so whenever I need to make a call I need go use someone elses phone. This makes me seriously uncomfortable and I find myself either practicing what I'm going to say to the person on the other line or me waiting until my co-workers is sick or goes out for lunch in order to make a phone call so I'm not bothering them or overheard by them.

I'm not sure if this is normal behavior or not. I don't have anything to judge it against. I’ve think it’s mostly I don’t like looking incompetent… and usually I have no problem asking for help or for someone to clarify something but with work I guess it’s different? Maybe it’s because it’s not a “learning environment” and also because if I don’t ask and I do it wrong there may be serious consequences for myself, my department, the state, and possibly the accused.

Jeez… it’s a lot of pressure.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

When a writer can't find the words to express themselves well either a) they're not a very good writer or b) the subject is too close to them for them to be able to do anything other than feel.

I feel sad about the (hopefully) temporary lost of our friendship. I also feel like that even if we somehow worked through it and made-up that nothing would be the same. Something has been lost (on my end at least.) It's like now that I know how unimportant my friendship was to you, I can never really trust it (and by extension you) again.

It's weird you know because I spend a lot of my time hoping that you'll forgive me and that we can be friends again. That we could go back to the easy understanding that existed between us. But I guess on some level I doubt that that can happen. It's a flaw that's been pointed out to me before: that I can never let things go. The knowledge that you could walk away at any time would always be with me, and would overshadow my interactions with you.

Maybe asking for a close friendship is asking for too much. Maybe if we can be friends again it would be best if it were a more a see you once every few months kind of friendship as opposed to being best friends.

It's funny because I spend all this time worried about this. Our friendship. and if and how we'll make up. And I have no idea if you've even given it a second thought or if you've already written me off as someone "you used to be friends with."

either way I guess the simple fact that I do care about this situation at all proves that I do want us to be friends again.  I don't know what that amount to though.