Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Glee Season 2 & Finale Review

Glee is one of my “must watch” shows. In fact it’s one of the few shoes that I still watch “live” when it airs. But for me season 2 has been a little disappointing. There’s been too much wacky and zany moments; from Sue’s turn as the Grinch in “A Very Glee Christmas” to Emma’s sudden marriage to and subsequent separation form “Dr. Carl D.D.S.” to Finn thinking that a cucumber can give you AIDS in “Sexy.” (Then again is this any harder to believe than the fact that he thought you could get pregnant via hot tub.)

But I continue to watch because there are great moments/episodes. The post Super Bowl “Sue Sylvester Shuffle” was such a strong comeback from the shows two month hiatus. And “The Rocky Horror Glee Show” was also another notable episode.

My fear is that Glee is about to go the way that “Heroes” did. Yeah. Remember that show? “Save the cheerleader. Save the world.” And then the next three seasons were crap and they were canceled long after anyone was watching.

But onto the season finale: (If this review seems disjointed it’s because that’s exactly how the finale left me feeling.) I agree with Joel Keller’s TV Squad review for the most part. There wasn’t anything particularly “Season Finale-ish” in this episode. In regards to Finn/Rachel I was really hoping that she would remain true to her “no boys, no distractions” rule and seeing her and Kurt sing that duet together on the stage of Wicked really makes me cheer her on. But alas, the passion is too much for her to bear and she and Finn kiss and reunite in the middle of their set at nationals.

The kiss is not unexpected and it’s nothing special, except for Finn and Rachel. The world melts away and that kiss is the only thing that matters in that moment.

In other storylines we see Quinn’s evil plan was nothing more than a simple “tattle” on Rachel and Kurt for sneaking out when the Glee club was on lockdown. Seriously?! Where’s the conniving queen B from last season who schemed to convince Finn he was her baby daddy and planned to let Teri have the baby so she could fool Will? Instead all she wants is someone to love her, and all se needs is a haircut? Really? No going AWOL right before nationals? No locking Rachel into a closet and setting it on fire? I expected more from you Fabray. Much more.

There’s a moment where Puck & Zizes are sitting at the hotel bar and try to order drinks which seems fitting for their characters but slightly out of place in this episode. But there were a lot of other things out of place in this episode. In fact the entire ending seemed like it was cobbled together at the last minute.

After we find out that New Directions has not in fact qualified to semi-finals in nationals we’re back in an Ohio coffee shop with Blaine and Kurt while Kurt is describing the aftermath to him. Apparently Santana went all “Lima Heights Adjacent” on Rachel…which means screaming and failing at her in Spanish. And then the silent flight home. When Blaine comments on how well Kurt is taking losing he just shrugs it off as says he was just happy to have gone on an airplane and seen New York. Then Blaine drops the “I love you” bomb on Kurt who looks stunned for an awkward moment replying tightly “I love you too.”

To break this tension Sam and Mercedes enter and we’re treated with another odd/tense interaction with Mercedes and Sam claiming to have “run into one another” at the coffee shop and then they walk away from Kurt/Blaine and we see their hands intertwined as they whisper “do you think they know?’ to each other. Seriously out of left field.

There’s some Mr. Schue stuff too, where Matt Morrison sings a song, (which doesn’t really relate to anything happening in the episode) off his newly released album, then deciding not to go chase his Broadway dreams (even for just a summer!) after all.

What I think I’d like to see in season 3 is a return to telling the story of the Glee-clubbers. When will we meet Rachel’s two gay dads? (Who would have in all actuality NEVER missed her NY debut) and what about Sam’s homelessness or “Furt” and their family? I’d also would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see more about Tina/Mike if we could do so without breaking them up (because seriously? I <3 them)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dreams Dreams Dreams

What is your dream?

My dream life looks like this: I live in a nice apartment/condo w/ my significant other or with a really good friend. It's in a nice neighborhood and is a secure building with ammenities like a pool and a grilling area or gym. I have a great job that pays me enough that I can survive comfortably (and has all the usual benefits plus perks) have co-workers who are awesome and smart and friendly. (like the ones I have now) There’s writing involved for this job, and some travel, and lots of food/style/pop culture research. I also write novels and non-fiction books, which are published once or twice a year. I have a great group of friends (including my current ones) and have lots of time to spend with them and with my family. Everyone is happy and healthy. I travel to lots of other countries and to all 50 states. I speak several languages with varying degrees of fluency and people are instantly at ease in my presence. I matter and make a difference in my part of the world.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

china glaze III

A nice "mannequin hand" color with some subtle shimmer to keep things interesting. Are two coats it was still somewhat sheer so I decided to do three. I wonder what this color would look like on my toes?
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Essie Pretty Edgy

I was expecting a "jelly" finish but I'm not sure if it This is two coats.
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