So I realize that I've already failed at project 365 because today is the 10th and I only have seven posts... I'm not sure how that happened but in my defense I am going to say that the days really just seem to fly by... I seriously feel like I just got home from NYE 2010 but nope we're already almost 2 weeks into the new year!
I have a lot of plans for this year, one of which, is traveling. I'm planning on at least one trip this summer to Seattle and possibly Chicago area as well. I'm excited to revisit my temporary places of residence and see how they feel almost 6+ years later. Will they be as awesome as I remember? Or will the nostalgia be too overwhelming and make me all mopey? I expect that I will most likely still love both cities mainly because I'll know that I'm only there temporarily.
It's funny how when you know that something is fleeting you can manage to deal with it, or at times cherish it in a way that you wouldn't be able to if it were going to be for the rest of your life. My good friend says that I'm commitment-phobic and I suppose I'd have to agree with her. The idea of forever terrifies me. I'm not sure I'd be happy knowing exactly what I'll be doing 5 years from now. But on the other hand I tend to dislike the unknown and unfamiliar. I enjoy routines. This contradictory nature is often reflected in the life choices I've made (or allowed others to make for me).
I'd wanted this blog to be more than just somewhere for me to write the nonsense things that occur to me.. I wanted it to be... something that people who didn't know me and didn't give a damn about me would want to read because the content is so engaging/informative/amusing/whatever but I'm not sure if that's going to happen. I don't know how to write for others I suppose. Which is funny because I consider myself (in some ways) to be a writer. And what is the point of writing if no one's going to read it? I mean, the point of all communication, is to send a message. Now I'm not saying you can't send a message out into the universe ala message in a bottle thrown in the ocean, but usually the satisfaction we get in communicating comes from our seeing that the message has been received.
But for now... these are my thoughts being sent out into the universe (or multiverse if you prefer).They're incomplete, imperfect, inaccurate, and inarticulate, but they're honest.
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