Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Year Resolutions check-in

Holy shit. Seriously how is it already almost the end of the first month of 2015?!? Where the fuck did my month go?

They say that accountability is the key to success so I've decided to share this journey with you blah blah blah.

To best honest I'm just indulging my neurotic tendencies to over think things. Blogging makes me seem less crazy than talking to myself about it out loud in public.

New Year Resolution #1: Read 30 books

Update: I am almost done with book #1 (Memory of Light by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson) It's a little over 900 pages so I'm pretty pleased with myself for getting through it so quickly. almost 1/30

New Year Resolution #2: Go to the gym 30 times

Update: So technically I've been to the gym 4 times this month. But before you get all excited and proud of me I have to confess that I did not work out at the gym 4 times. In fact I only "worked out" at the gym once for like 20 minutes. But I did go to the gym to shower before an event, and to sit in the hot tub/steam room/sauna 4 times.

I needed the hot tub soaks because I'd gone to several Yelp Kick Butt events and was sore ALL OVER from doing squats, core workouts, martial arts, paddling, and all kinds of other crazy shit. So I didn't work out at MY gym but I've been working out. Not sure if that counts. 2?/30

New Year Resolution #3: Learn 30 new words

Update: I've been learning new words like (evitable, furfuraceous, sapiosexual & spornosexual) but haven't really worked them into my everyday vocabulary yet. But it's pretty hard to do so with these types of words, maybe I will have to choose better words that are less...esoteric. (BTW that's not one of my new words... I already knew that one.) 4/30

New Year Resolution #4: Cook 30 new recipes 

Update: I made a chicken and spinach lasagna in my slow cooker that turned out pretty good! I over cooked it a little but still yummy. And I made the recipes up all by myself! 1/30

New Year Resolution #5: 30 new blog posts.

Update: One down 29 to go. 1/30

New Year Resoultion #6: Do 30 fun activites

Update: Went to a new-ish friend's house for the first time and played board games till 4 am. Went to a martial arts class. Went on a maybe-date. 3/30 yay!

I also have a few non-turning-30 related of which is to have no more than 18 drinks a week. Now I've gotten A LOT of shit for this one. People want to know why/how I settled on 18, or what constitutes a drink, or what the rules are.... and you know what? I don't know. I just picked 18 because I thought it sounded do-able but a little hard.
(especially during Superbowl/Birthday/Vacation/Special Occasions)

A drink is counted simply by the glass. Big or small size is (in this case) irrelevant. One small glass of soju or large 22 o beer is one drink. Sips of other people's drinks don't count but they really have to be sips. 

There's no particular reason I decided to do this other than I kinda wanted to see if I could do it. 18 drinks a week is kinda a lot but I definitely am used to drinking more than that one a regular basis. The additional benefits are just that...additional. Yes it will be good for my health to drink less, I'll hopefully save money and lose weight. I'll go out drinking less which means maybe I'll be more productive and get more reading/writing/working out done.

I also wanted to do the 52 week savings challenge but so far I haven't started it yet. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm going to do this one because if I move money from my checking account into my "new" savings account for this resolution and then more money from my old savings account into my checking account to pay for bills does that count as saving? No, right? So It should be like actually saving that money from each paycheck without having to move money around. Which means I just have to fucking spend less money....damn it why is this so hard? I'm Chinese! Being cheap should be my natural state!

Thanks for reading if you did... if you didn't thanks anyway.

TL;DR? New Year Resolutions are crap but I'm working on them.

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